Make it Great

Music and Lyrics by Alastair Moock ©2017 Moockshake Music

Love it or leave it, it’s us against them
We’re gonna make it great once again
This once was the land of the free and the brave
We all had it good here (except for the slaves)

When we came here, this country was pure and pristine
The skies were all blue and the trees were all green
We fought for the rights of the nation we’d build
And all here rejoiced (‘cept the natives we killed)

Then we built cities and roads and great ports
Protected by brave men aloft in great forts
And then came the railroads that stretched to the seas
We all had it good (unless you were Chinese)

Then Abraham Lincoln, the guy with the beard
Said “no more” to slavery so that disappeared
And that was the end of race problems, we know
Black people were equal (except for Jim Crow)

The late 1800s were elegant, grand
Victorian houses and trust in the land
The right to your income and vote you possessed
For all of us here (barring those who had breasts)

Then Depression and war kinda soured some years
But we all pulled together and got back in gear
Freedom secured in the home of the champs
(Offer not valid in internment camps)

The fifties, that’s when things really improved
The GI Bill and your mortgage approved
Employment was high and the future was bright
For everyone, all of us (if you were white)

And that’s what we mean by “Be great again”
Let’s get ourselves back to where we were then
When freedom, prosperity, peace all prevailed
(For the Caucasian, Christian, straight, middle-class male)

Love it or leave it, it’s us against them
We’re gonna make it great once again
This once was the home of the brave and the free
The world’s greatest nation (if you looked like me)